Saturday, 11 March 2017

No A&E for Chorley or Preston - Proof from the STP plans

You didn't know this, but Chorley & South Ribble CCG have already proposed closing Chorley A&E in their 'Our Health Our Care' STP plans.

The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for Chorley & South Ribble is chaired by Dr Gora Bangi. The CCG and its partners are running a Local Delivery Program (LDP) titled 'Our Health Our Care' which is the Central Lancashire input to the regional Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP) for Lancashire & South Cumbria.

I'll now prove that not only has a proposal already been made by the CCG to remove all A&E services in Preston & Chorley, but it has has been done with no public engagement or consultation. The proposal was published last October, the public events that were supposed to feed into the proposal started weeks later in November. The public never knew about it...

The "Our Health Our Care" Local Delivery Plan for Central Lancashire was forwarded to NHS England last October to become part of the regional STP. Here's what it shows...
Page 10. We will clearly separate services.... from emergency and urgent care. A&E services will only be delivered in a specialist centre.
Dr Gora Bangi, the chairman of the local CCG claimed there were no plans to close A&E services in Chorley or Preston. Below is proof showing Dr Bangi's own document which clearly shows all acute emergency services have been closed & replaced with community beds.

There are 3 pyramid charts each representing a locality of Chorley, South Ribble and Preston. They are ALL the same with no acute/A&E services since these have been removed and replaced with 'community beds' on tier 3. The only A&E is to be re-built as a very small trauma unit. Here's the model of care from page 18 the CCG state they are 'seeking to develop'...

We can see from the Pyramid chart above...
  • Acute/A&E services have been removed and replaced with 'community beds' on tier 3.
  • Many GP surgeries have been closed and merged into the MCP clinics on tier 5

Need more Proof? Here it is from Page 18.....
  • An acute model of care will sit above and support all three locality models. i.e. there is ONE A&E acute model only for the three areas.
  • this Acute model of care will look different to its current and that it may well reduce in size from its current form. i.e. the much smaller A&E hospital will be built at Lostock hall or elsewhere.
  • this Acute model of care looks different to its current state, and that it may well reduce in size from its current form because it is only having to treat people who are genuinely in acute need. i.e. there will be FEWER Acute beds than there are at present...

The Hospital Trust have also agreed to allow many services to be closed, here's proof..

The Lancashire Teaching NHS Hospital (LTHT) board Trust wishes to see more of its hospital services closed down and moved out of hospital into other settings (see LTHT Clinical Service Strategy 2015 and page 18 of the CCG STP input Our Health Our Care LDP)
these...outline models of care that we are seeking to develop in central Lancashire... provide an illustration of the MCP model referred to in section 1.8, and provides an illustration of how we will seek to integrate these [three] locality models with a [singular] redesigned hospital model. [Page 18]


■ see pages 19 - 21
 Central Lancashire Our Health Our Care Local Delivery Plan [PDF]

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Fait Accompli of the thoothless BMA


A news article released earlier this month from the BMA claims STPs are "more than a missed opportunity", indicating they agree with aspects of the plans and don't intend to oppose them.

The article (see link below), written by Peter Blackburn of the BMA news team states "We as an association have much we agree with STPs on,’ Dr Wannan - BMA"

If I recall the BMA were also resolutely against formation of a publicly owned NHS in the early days?

We have to make it very clear that ALL aspects or 'models of care' proposed in these STP plans work against the interests of a publicly owned universal healthcare system. 

We can't just 'pick and choose' one element of the STP over another. They are all designed to lead to combined budgets founded on the private health sectors favoured 'population-based' care.
The BMA news article highlights the threat of NHS privatisation, but as with the Junior Doctor contract, offers no meaningful solution.
STPs are seen by the BMA as a barrier that can't be overcome, the article continues.."While the plans may be doomed – it appears they are here to stay".

What exactly does this fait accompli sentence mean to you and I?

  • Are the BMA saying the plans will be continued by the next government or we will end up with some hybrid system akin to the U.S. healthcare model where those fortunate can pay for their treatment, whilst others die waiting in a queue?
  • Are they saying we have come to a stage where the process cannot be stopped and is irreversible or 'too expensive' to change back?
  • Will the NHS have enough funds to buy-back the bulk of the contracts sold off by their buyers the Clinical Commissioning Groups?
One thing is for sure, here over at Chorley & South Ribble we don't do fait accompli, we don't intend sitting around on our elbows watching whilst our NHS is gradually sold off and stolen away from us.

We haven't stood outside our local hospital every single week for almost a year, just to be told we're not getting the services we are entitled to and fought so hard to keep in the past.

We are the ones who are 'here to stay', the doomed plans will be kicked into the long grass where they belong. I know it won't be easy, and it will take a lot of effort, so it's now over to you...

STPs - more than just an opportunity lost (BMA)

Thursday, 2 March 2017

STPs are not 'plans' they are fanciful ideas

The STPs are behind schedule, lack any significant popular public support, and as they stand will not deliver the results they promise.

The incoherent and inconsistent series of 44 'STP' documents that have been published since the end of October 2016 have clearly fallen far short of NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens’ hopes a year ago.

Most offer no viable or sustainable plans for staffing or management of the ‘innovative’ proposals to divert services away from hospitals, resulting in the services proposed being unsustainable.

There’s virtually no capital available from NHS England to finance any serious transformation; in many of the STP documents the numbers simply don’t add up, and there is little or no evidence that some of their key proposals can work in practice. Many lack any financial detail, and almost none of them have any worked-through practical plan for implementation (1).

Even the CCGs and its providers have asked us, as campaigners, for advice on how best to get around the problems thrown at them without incurring the huge financial penalties and of course the wrath of the public.

STPs are not 'plans', they are fanciful ideas with no evidence-base and do not take into account all the risks associated with major healthcare transformation. They are effectively documents that toy with ideas that could and would result in lowering of patient care and even many many deaths.

NHS England have been trialling some of the STP models in areas around England called vanguard areas'. They avoid the words 'trial' and 'pilot schemes' since they attempt to fool the public into believing the vanguards have some evidence-base in place. They haven't.

They are being rolled out on a suck it and see basis, a series of trial and error schemes that could fail at any stage without any prior risk assessment or consideration for equality laws. As such there is no bail out if things go wrong, apart from the Private Healthcare Sector waiting in the wings to take over public services. This is what we are fighting against, people willing to play with our lives, and care little when things go wrong.

The proposed care pathways in the Five year forward view, the blueprint document STPs are based on, are not new. 

For example 'prevention'. We'd all like help and advice to prevent ourselves from becoming ill, but it needs to be voluntary, not forced;

we need a welfare system that's fair and does not force people into poverty and thus ill-health.

The prevention espoused in the STPs is 'forced prevention' due to the very nature of rationing medical treatment and withholding medicines from the poor and needy in our society.

Although there's been much secrecy around the STP and their hidden agenda, the overall objective is to de-couple the more lucrative routine hospital services and place them into community clinics to enable the private sector to share the profits. It really is that simple.

Anything else, such as Integrating some NHS services with social services and the use of telecare* in old folks homes are a smokescreen as these are not contentious, and if funded properly, are unnecessary in the first instance.
*a webcam in a care home relaying sound and images to a healthcare practitioner

When funded properly, local authority social services have no problem in alleviating hospital bed blocking since they've always found places for re-ablement and after care in the patients own home or care home.

All this nonsense about patients not knowing which services are where and not being properly signposted is just that, another smokescreen to allow the private healthcare sector into the NHS.

After all, Lord Carter, of the Carter Review fame mentioned in many STPs, owns a string of private residential care homes. If you're in any doubt about how the private sector are waiting to take over the integrated health & social care model look no further than those who influenced the Five year forward view, the blueprint document all STPs are based on.

Oh and by the way, Lord Carter is a Labour peer currently advising the boss of NHS England on STPs, who was previously a Labour Councillor and health policy advisor to Tony Blair.

Money is the root of all evil and the most evil have no allegiance, no conscience, and no soul.

Although this is quite a long post, I think I've just summed up all Tory MPs in the single sentence above. 


(1) Centre for Health & the Public Interest

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

NHS boss is 'private lobbyist'

What? the boss of NHS England 'Simon Stevens' was a Labour Councillor in Brixton until 2002? And he went on to become the boss of a private healthcare insurer? What is he doing in charge of our NHS?
Simon Stevens has managed to ruin healthcare services across two continents and decimate the NHS 
in England.

Not content with playing his part in killing off the only chance Americans had of having a near NHS health service [Obamacare], Simon the NHS traitor 'Stevens' is back in the UK spreading ideas about how to dismantle 90% of the NHS using the American private health systems such as Health maintenance and 'population-based care' organisations.

So what the ruddy hell is he doing as boss of our NHS?
Who made Stevens the chief of the NHS ?

So here it is brought to you by the Gaztapo bandido, Simon Stevens' CV accompanied with more info on this dubious and celubrious and any other word to describe dodgy traitor... enjoy