
Sound Bites

Saturday 8 April 2017

Who's hands is the NHS safe in?

The 2012 Health & Social Care (H&SC) Act removed the guarantee that any services in the future of our NHS will be publicly owned. The CCGs were setup as soon as the H&SC bill became an 'Act' (April 2013) and they immediately set about privatising NHS services by tendering, and awarding, contracts to private providers. 

The word used by Dr Gingihi in his book "how to dismantle the NHS in 10 easy steps" was 'decouple'. Once the low-risk, lucrative, high-turnover routine procedures were 'decoupled' from NHS hospitals they were rife for handing over to the private sector. 
It's essential that these services are retained in a hospital environment for several reasons, mainly for training public sector workers and ensuring unification and ease of pathways between departments in the same building. If they're decoupled, the fragmentation will result in a much faster corporate take-over.
We no longer have a publicly owned, democratically accountable NHS. There isn't a cat in hell's chance of the NHS surviving as a universal healthcare system at the rate its contracts (and thus services) are being sold-off by CCGs to the private sector. 
The mantra "we're living longer" is a smoke-screen since the figures used in the analysis for this is based on infant mortality. There is no austerity, but the Tories love to play this out making you think you owe something and must make a commitment and tighten your belt, when you don't. It is indeed a load of manure designed to deceive you into believing the NHS is unaffordable, when in fact it is.

The NHS’s financial squeeze, coupled with private firms’ ability to undercut NHS providers, plus the obligation imposed on CCGs by the coalition’s shakeup of the NHS in 2012, together mean that more and more CCGs feel obliged to sell-off more and more NHS contracts, despite concerns about the quality of service that may ensue. 
After all, the CCGs have been given a limited budget from NHS England. And we all know who's head of that body don't we? 
The one and only ex vice president of one of Americas largest private healthcare insurers, Simon Stevens. 
No, the NHS is unsafe for whichever political party he's working for. 
So the question is, who's hands is the NHS safe in?

How much are the Tories privatising the NHS?

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