
Sound Bites

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Boss of NHS England says get used to longer delays

Take a good look at this man.His name is Simon Stevens, ex policy advisor to Tony Blair. He is responsible for betraying the NHS and is currently the Tories head of NHS England, put there by the disgraced Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Stevens is ex vice president of strategy at United Health, the largest private healthcare insurer in the Unites states, where he oversaw 'Medicare', a program that rations healthcare plans to those in receipt of welfare.

The U.S. were recently rated LAST out of all modernised countries in areas of healthcare such as efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and access for all to healthcare. Yet Stevens has brought his U.S. private health experience with him from across the Atlantic and wants to implement them over here in England.

He calls these plans his 'five year forward view', yet they represent nothing more than a transformation of the NHS into the same disastrous healthcare system as that in the U.S.A.
Yesterday, Stevens admitted his ruinous plans had resulted in long delays for hospital treatment and that patients should get used to even longer days in the years to come. Stevens was referring to a recent report that claimed thousands of patients were 'highly likely' to have suffered clinical harm after Portsmouth Hospital failed to push for check-ups.
Yes, Simon Stevens is Mr STP himself. An ex councillor and hospital porter, this man, along with others such as Jeremy Hunt, are hell bent on privatising the most profitable services in the NHS, destabilising what's left, leaving the NHS with nothing more than a tow-tier poor mans system of healthcare.


Is Simon Stevens really the right person to run the NHS?

Mr Stevens, a senior executive at controversial US firm United HealthCare, was picked out as one of  the ‘aggressive new generation of leaders’

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