
Sound Bites

Wednesday 8 November 2017


Are the NHS reform plans based on New Labour's' 2006 white paper? and what's a Labour peer doing heading up an STP scheme then praising Lancashire teaching hospitals NHS trust? Are all 3 main political parties in favour of a private-public NHS partnership? What the hell is going on?

The current boss of NHS England 'Simon Stevens' is a turncoat and entered government with New Labour (he was previously a Labour councillor for Brixton and former advisor to Labour PM TONY BLAIR).

Stevens was previously vice president for Unitedhealth, the largest private healthcare insurer in the U.S.A. He will sell his soul for fame and fortune and has U.S Accountable Care Organisations (ACOs') ready for privatisation in England as his goal. The reason he is head of NHS England is because NHS England were set up by the real privateer (the previous health secretary) 'Jeremy Hunt' with no input from the NHS or those who use it.
It appears Stevens has simply expanded on New Labours 'Our Health Our Care Our Say' white paper from 2006 and added American style ACOs into the integrated part of the Sustainability & Transformation Partnership (STP).
STP = Straight To Pocket (private sector pocket)
*Labour's 2006 white paper is said to be the blue print for the 'five year forward view' which in turn is the blueprint document for all STPs. So not only has Stevens expanded on Labour's 2006 white paper, but he's handed it over to the Tories and it appears to be supported by Labour Peer Lord Pat Carter. 

The Labour Peer Lord Carter, like Tony Blair, seems to be just another Tory in disguise. Carter (real name Patrick Robert Carter) is heading up the Slash Trash & Privatise care home scheme, he visited Lancashire county council in late July along with the Lancashire Teaching hospital trust who closed the A&E department 24/7 at Chorley & South Ribble Hospital in April 2016. So what's a Labour peer doing promoting the STP privatisation plans? 

  • New Labour's 'Tony Blair' appointed Carter as a Labour peer in 2004.
  • Lord Carter co-founded private nursing home company 'Westminster Health Care' in 1985 with Martin Bradford. He's been lobbying for the private care-home sector to take on more patients from over-stretched NHS hospitals ever since Simon Stevens revealed the STP plans for England.
  • Carter was also previously president of Mckesson enterprise ltd international operations group (business portfolio holder), Mckesson specialise in orthopedic imaging/consultancy private sector work.
  • In 1985, Lord Carter founded Westminster Health Care which he built into a leading health care provider and subsequently sold in 1999. Carter is now a private investor and director of public and private companies in the fields of insurance, healthcare and information technology.
Previously many Labour politicians have made full use of the 'revolving door' between industry and government. Alan Milburn and Patricia Hewitt are among the ten previous health ministers who have taken lucrative consultancies with private health care companies.

More links below...

Is this the blueprint for the STPs five year forward view?
New Labour's 2006 white paper 'Our Health Our Care Our Say': a new direction for community services

Lord Carter visits Lancashire Teaching Hospitals July 201

Lobbying for transparency

Co-operation & Competition panel for NHS funded services

Are STPs based on New Labour's white paper from 2006?

Chorley A&E closure, super-hospitals, & NHS Privatisation

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