
Sound Bites

Wednesday 13 March 2019

County Council cut ill-health prevention services and tell people to go for a walk instead

Cutting prevention services across Lancashire will result in increases in demand on other NHS services. Yet Lancashire County Council can't seem to grasp this concept...

The Conservative ruling elite at county hall in Lancashire have come up with proposals to CUT over 6 social health intervention & prevention services that affect the most vulnerable in society.

At a national level, government claim they wish to strongly promote prevention services as these support their 10-year NHS plan. Yet in the same swing of the axe, the Tories intend CUTTING benefits and services forcing more people into needing the very social services they are cutting. Here's hypocrisy.....

"We propose to stop offering specific physical activity and healthy weight programmes which currently target those people exercising for less than 30 minutes three times per week and/or with a BMI of between 25 and 34.9".

In its place, the Tories say people can go for a walk in the park instead...

"However, we are proposing to develop a programme for everyone in Lancashire, promoting the use of the county's existing assets particular in open and green spaces. This would be through activities such as walking, running and cycling in urban, coast and countryside locations.."

Chorley, South Ribble & Preston are under threat of losing A&E services along with many outpatient services under a program ineptly titled 'our health our care'.

A plan has been drawn up by health bosses which totally sidelines the issues of emergency care in the region and instead wishes to 'create an atmosphere of prevention of ill-health leading to a healthier lifestyle to prevent people visiting hospital or the doctors".

They can't have it both ways, health intervention and prevention services will need to be increased to offset any existing NHS service closures.
County hall needs to understand that cutting prevention services is contrary to the 'our health our care' plans they are consulting on later this year [2019].
If they are hell-bent on cutting prevention services; then existing NHS support services will continue to be heavily used and demand will only increase.

It's not rocket science, they can't have it both ways. Cutting prevention services will result in increases in demand on other NHS services!

 You really couldn't make this up!

for the chop.....

  • Lancashire Wellbeing Service (LWS) : LWS supports those adults most at risk of a health or social care crisis to remain healthy and well.
  • Active Lives Healthy Weight service
  • The Integrated Home Improvement Service (also known as Care and Repair).  home improvements and adaptations for disabled people - provides help to people in need of extra support to make their homes safe and accessible, by assisting homeowners to maintain, repair and improve their properties.
  • drug and alcohol rehabilitation service:  mainly residential based programmes, with a small number of day programmes. Rehabilitation is an abstinence-based set of interventions to address the underlying causes of addiction in order to establish new ways of coping in real-life situations following treatment.
  • Stop smoking services - Health Improvement Service consultation
  • Lancashire Break Time: a county-wide service providing short breaks for parents or carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND). The child or young person will attend a fun group activity whilst their parent or carer gets a short break from their caring role.

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