
Sound Bites

Thursday 6 June 2019

NHS Assets up for grabs in fire sale

Sir Robert Naylor proposes selling off NHS land and buildings


As with KOSHH campaign and Epson & St Hellier hospitals, all NHS trusts are selling off NHS estate following the Naylor report well under market value, knowing they will recoup the losses due to the 2 for 1 offer (match funded) by the Tory government

There's also a threat in the Naylor report that states if hospital trusts don't accelerate the disposal of NHS estate (to private developers) they will not be eligible to access much needed money for patient care and equipment (running costs).

Fire Sale, it started long ago..

If your'e a hospital trust in deficit, and let's face it most are, there's a good chance you'll be advised to sell of some of the estate to private developers for LESS than market value: so the incentive is to flog off NHS estate using NHS Property services Ltd who own all NHS estate (assets) after they were transferred in-line with the 2012 Health & Social Care act.

The Naylor report is an NHS asset stripping document. NHS Property services Ltd is run by the CEO of NHS England Simon Stevens, the previous president of UnitedHealth, Americas largest private health insurer.

BELOW: CHRIS's video on Naylor report - A MUST WATCH!

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