
Sound Bites

Saturday 23 May 2020

We want social care not American accountable care

Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP)

Remember that term? STP?
Turns out it wasn't just an acronym for Straight To Private or Slash Trash & Privatise. These 'plans' were all along a smoke screen for salami-slicing the NHS in England into 44 regions then implementing private health style American Care Organisations (ACOs).

The plans have thus little to do with delivering a local vision to improve health and [social] care across Lancashire & South Cumbria.

These ACO plans are ultimately a response to cull the rising costs of healthcare and out of control hospital trust deficits and council social care costs.
The system the current government wish to replace the NHS with (they call it 'transformation') uses American 'accountable care organisations' (ACO) that are based on providing less care to save costs
The ACO does this using a restrictive and mean-spirited 'fixed-term' per-person (capitated) budget that relies heavily on patients 'looking after themselves'.

The mainstay of the savings however come from rationing or denying patients treatment and medications, after all that's how American health maintenance insurers operate.

Rationing of surgery and medications in fact has already begun. An ACO simply salami slices public NHS services then hands them over to the private sector for profit extraction.

Warrington & Halton hospital trust for example have already prepared a NHS price list showing how hospital operations will cost patients up to £8,000 each

As reported June 2019
And to help the ACOs along, they've drafted in Simon Stevens, the ex vice president of United Health (commercial operations Europe), the largest private health insurer in America.

The NHS has no place for Mr or for that matter Mrs 'Moneybags' as it was not designed for profit and has shown to fail miserably when market forces are used to run it. It's time to take back control and kick out the rotten money grabbers and get the NHS back in the control of the people it serves.

Revoke the 2012 Health & Social Care Act and reinstate a universal publicly funded/run NHS free at the point of need. Do it before Handcock and Johnson sell it off to the American multinational health insurers, who have already infiltrated the NHS...


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