
Sound Bites

Saturday 18 July 2020

Not just Chorley A&E, 80% of other routine services also to go

WHEN the consultation comes round certain committees will have been 'briefed' long beforehand about the dangers of attempting to run a hospital A&E on short staff levels.

Let's face it, there's been no change in the Hospital trust board's recruitment campaign so they'll use the staff shortage issue to push thru' the now not so hidden agenda of service transformation to an American style health insurance system.

After all, they've made it very clear, the A&E departments are driving all the deficit and if they can downgrade them one at a time (starting with Chorley A&E) they can proceed to concentrate on the longer term plan of closing Preston A&E and having a single 'trauma centre' somewhere in between both sites.

Ultimately, that's what THEY want, not what YOU or I want, but what 's best for the trusts longer-term finances. When hospital services are closed, there are no 'better outcomes'.

But that's only a small part of the plan, and last week the LEP reported the trust had plans passed at Chorley council to build a £17.5 m building including operating theatres to do ophthalmology and related procedures - which BTW is part of the elective only site planned for Chorley district hospital (CDH).

This again, is inline with the 2012 health & social care act (NHS privatisation act) which authorised hospital foundation trusts to gain up to 50% of their income from private sources - so expect many paying patients at the new building, the one taxpayers paid for.

The government so-called write off fund of £215m for LTHT may cover some existing costs but won't cover the deficit over the next year or 2 . It will however help to go dome way towards meeting the requirements in the STP/10 year plan to dismantle the NHS and transform it into 44 local American style Acccountable Care Organisations (ACO) throughout England run largely for profit.

EIGHTY percent of services, along with our A&E, are planned to be closed at CDH and moved into private buildings or hubs previously owned by local councils, but will become joint ventures along with sales of public hospital buildings & land left behind.

They did it with the land at the hospital and it became private property used for parking. The closures however won't be 'leased', they'll be GONE FROM OUR HOSPITAL FOREVER.

It will be almost impossible to integrate the services back where they belong, under public control in public buildings and hospitals.

The Health & Social Care Act simply must be revoked and an end put to the market in our NHS. All trade unions must come together and say NO to hospital trusts forming subsidiary companies (SubCos) and fragmentation of our services being moved into private community clinics.

An all out strike is needed by all unions as the Tories know full well they are winning the conversion of our NHS into a profit extraction machine, doing it bit by bit so it largely goes un-noticed.

When the time comes everyone must do their duty and fight tooth and nail to keep health services in the public sector. It's more than your life is worth. Everyone is at risk...

Join the campaign to save Chorley A&E NOW!

For more on how to get involved visit the campaign group facebook page:

Protect Chorley & South Ribble Hospital Campaign

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