Thursday, 1 July 2021

The Lowdown June 2021, health, news, analysis


The Lowdown - health news, analysis 

Evidence-based journalism and research on the NHS to create change.

29th June 2021

Matt Hancock may have resigned but his fingerprints remain all over the new reorganisation of the NHS that will likely be put before Parliament soon. The proposals seen so far are controversial amongst Tories and opposed by Labour. There is an opportunity for public pressure to make important changes, and here at the Lowdown we have been working to raise awareness about this and the huge challenges facing the NHS.

Thank you for your support, please share our articles where you can to help raise awareness and to get people involved.

Here is this week's Lowdown and PDF 

Calls for Javid to stop NHS shakeup

Tory splits on Health Bill

Don’t expect a return to normal service any time soon

NHS Reorganisation – a never-ending story

Awkward questions linger over Leicester plan

NICE: Deciding what the NHS provides and how

in case you missed it...

What will be in the Health and Care Bill?

Inequality – from words to action?

Urgent calls to fix “incoherent” health and social care staffing 

And you can mail your MP with the evidence of the action needed on staffing and resources here

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